Recipe: Cranberry Kale Salad

This recipe contains 3 super cancer fighting foods: Kale rich in sulphoranes, cranberries, rich in antioxidants and onions rich in organic sulfur and quercitin. Additionally this recipe contains miso (made from fermented soy beans) providing…

Breast Implants Linked to Polymyositis | One Woman Finds Relief

In an article I wrote for the Huffington Post, Dr. Chilkov iscussed the dangers of breast implants, including a destructive and painful auto-immune disease, polymyositis, a severe and damaging muscle disease. The disease can spread, attacking and weakening muscles, not only on the chest wall but all over the body leading to severe pain, weakness and debilitation. We received this touching email from a woman in Peru, grateful that we had provided information that led to her relief.

Walnuts | The New Breast Cancer Fighting Food

Researchers agree that walnut rich diets suppress the growth and development of breast tumors and suggest that adding walnuts to a healthy diet may reduce the risk of breast cancer as well as colorectal cancer, both of which are two of the most prevalent cancers in women.

Breast Cancer | After Menopause Beware of Sugars and Starches

Research continues to reinforce the link between breast cancer and diet, particularly the importance of keeping your blood sugar in the low normal ranges. Higher levels of blood sugar and blood insulin are linked to higher incidence of breast cancers. This becomes more important as you age because most women develop some “insulin resistance” in which blood sugar starts to creep higher with advancing years as your cells become less sensitive to blood sugar regulating hormones. Post menopausal women should make efforts to reduce the intake of sweets and starches. This advice also applies to younger women who will benefit by implementing healthy eating habits early in life. It’s really very easy to accomplish.

Side Effects of Radiation: Natural Protection from Fermented Foods

Probiotics, the healthy bacteria found in yoghurt protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage due to radiation therapy. When healthy bacteria are taken BEFORE radiation therapy, there is actually less damage to the delicate lining of the intestines, less side effects for cancer patients.

Grilled Foods Contain Cancer Causing Chemicals

The blackened areas on charred and grilled flesh foods (meat, poultry, fish) are a source of carcinogenic chemicals. These chemical directly damage DNA, our genetic material, initiate mutations that can lead to the development of cancer. Think before you eat! The longer meat is cooked, the more dangerous it becomes.

Killing Cancer Cells by Starving Them of Sugar

UCLA Study discovers How to Kill Cancer Cells: Starve them of Sugar and they start to die. Conversely, patients with diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance..conditions of persistent high blood sugar suffer higher rates of cancer. Botton Line: Sugary blood feeds cancer cells.

10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Women

Women need to be vigilant about symptoms they may be experiencing. Many types of gynecologic cancer produce symptoms early enough for them to be successfully treated. When the symptoms are ignored, the delay in treatment can prove to be fatal. Ladies, listen to your bodies! If you are experiencing something abnormal for you, see your doctor. Chances are the symptoms aren’t cancer related, but it’s better to be safe.

Chemotherapy Fatigue | Relief with Ashwaganda

Chemotherapy Fatigue is real All patients receiving chemotherapy suffer toxic side effects. The most common complaint is chemotherapy related fatigue. A recent study found that that Stage 2 and Stage 3 breast cancer patients undergoing…

Hidden Cancer Causing Toxins In Your Shampoo-Again

We are exposed to a myriad number of cancer causing toxic chemicals everyday. Why aren’t most of these chemicals listed on the labels? What Your Shampoo Isn’t Telling You and Why It Matters. A must read article from Mother Jones Magazine.