Do Vitamin Supplements Kill Women? Part 1

A flawed and biased controversial study was published yesterday claiming that women who take supplements have an increased death rate. The study does NOT show any cause and effect relationship. This is just bad science.

B Vitamin May Be of Value in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer

Women who are positive for the BRCA1 gene are known to have poor DNA repair. These women may benefit from PARP inhibitors. BRCA1 is associated with aggressive and often lethal breast cancer as well as colon cancer.

Niacinamide, a B Vitamin, may help breast cancer and ovarian cancer patients. Recently another gene associated with poor DNA repair has been identified. This gene, RAD51D, is associated with increased risk for ovarian cancer. PARP Inhibitor drugs as well as Niacinamide may also be of value to these women.

Why Are So Many Women Getting Breast Cancer? 10 Surprising Little Known Reasons

Women Cancer

More and more Women are being diagnosed with hormonal cancers including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer. If you are a cancer survivor, you most certainly do not want to get a cancer recurrence. Most women do not realize that there are dangerous factors in their everyday modern lives that increase cancer risk, not just breast cancers, but a broad range of cancers. Knowledge is Power. Put a stop to some of these habits and you could save your own life.

Breast Cancer: Why Are So Many Women At Risk? Part 2

Why does a woman with no family history of breast cancer and no obvious risk factors for breast cancer succumb to the disease? What happened to her? Today 1 in 8 women in the US is diagnosed with breast cancer. Will you be one of them? The development of cancer is complex. Many factors contribute to the “perfect storm” of conditions that lead to the presence of cancer cells and your body’s inability to stop them from growing. Discovering all the factors that contribute to the development of cancer in any one individual is not simple. It is complex. And it is usually not exactly the same set of factors for each and every person. Learning more about the toxins in your environment and learning more about your genetics can help you to take steps to stay cancer free. There are two primary contributors to the development of cancer: the combination and interaction of your environment and your genetics.

Breast Cancer:Why Are So Many Women at Risk? Part 1

Every woman wants to know what she can do to lower her risk of breast cancer. Towards that end has published a fantastic free ebook, THINK PINK, LIVE GREEN: Protect Your Breast Health which is one of the best resources I have found.

Breast Cancer Patients Beware

Is it safe to participate in an FDA Approved Study? Maybe Not. In June 2009 the FDA cut corners and fast-tracked the approval of a new medical device without ascertaining its safety because it resembled other similar devices that had been approved in the past. That’s like saying … well this nuclear reactor looks like another one we approved last year, so it must be safe.

Vitamin D Levels Linked to Aggressive Breast Cancer

A recently published study finds low blood levels of vitamin D may promote more aggressive breast tumors.

The relationship between between low vitamin D levels and higher risk of developing breast cancer has been previously documented in numerous studies. Women with inadequate intake of Viamin D or with low blood levels (below 55ng/ml) have very poor prognosis and higher risk of metastatic disease and death from breast cancer.