Controlling Inflammation: Five Natural Ways to Put Out The Fire

The relationship between cancer and inflammation is well established. There is a strong association between chronic, ongoing inflammation in the body and the occurrence of cancer. It is most obviously demonstrated with the increased chance (five to seven times higher than the general population) for people with chronic inflammatory diseases.

Recognize Signs of Stroke?? Do You Know What to Do?

Signs of Stroke? Will you be able to help? Will you be at home with a loved one who gets suddenly confused? Will you be standing in the grocery store next to a stranger whose arm goes numb and drops the milk?

Dr. Linus Pauling | Cancer and Nutrition

It is not enough for a cancer patient to receive appropriate conventional therapy for his or her disease. To improve quality and quantity of life, a regimen of good nutrition is essential

How Will We Get A National Cancer Prevention Plan?

President’s Report on Cancer calls on America to rethink the way we confront cancer, including much more rigorous regulation of chemicals. Existing chemical regulations do not protect public health. Many known cancer-causing chemicals are still unregulated.

Acupuncture Relieves Joint Pain Caused By Breast Cancer Treatments

Among the women treated with true acupuncture, findings demonstrated that they experienced significant improvement in joint pain and stiffness over the course of the study. Pain severity declined, and overall physical well-being improved. Additionally, 20 percent of the patients who had reported taking pain relief medications reported that they no longer needed to take these medications following acupuncture treatment.

A Single Mother With A Brain Tumor Speaks

From a brain tumor patient: Let me express my profound gratitude for your generous and game-changing truth talking. The conversation we had may have changed my life more than any other. It was a wake up call, a call to action, and truly was such a heartfelt and stabilizing picture of reality

Healthy Medicine: A New Model of Cancer Care

What is Healthy Medicine? It is the recognition that our one-size-fits-all approach to medical practice is largely ineffective if our goal is healing. Healthy Medicine is a synthesis of complementary/alternative medicine with conventional modern allopathic medicine and energy medicine.

Calculate Your Risk of Breast Cancer with this iphone app

Women need to know their risk of Breast Cancer. If you know your risk you can take action and engage in Breast Cancer Prevention. You can address lifestyle changes. You can prevent cancer and cultivate health. You can learn about alternative cancer resources that focus on health and not disease.