Women & Cancer | How to Save Your Own Life | TUE 2/21 LISTEN LIVE

Hay House Radio presents Dr. Nalini Chilkov interviewed by Marcelle Pick RNP

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An alarming number of women are diagnosed with cancer everyday. Cancer is actually a preventable disease. Whether you are interested in preventing cancer, struggling with cancer treatment or are a survivor fearing a recurrence you can take simple steps to transform your immune system. Turn on your cancer fighting genes and natural killer cells. Create a cancer resistant body using safe natural foods, herbs and supplements.

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study

A new study reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. There are also natural botanical herbal medicines with similar properties. Here are eight medicinal herbs that contain active constituents that have been shown to lower an array of inflammatory molecules and support normal inflammation function.

Fight Cancer in the Kitchen with Tumeric

You can fight cancer in the kitchen from your spice shelf. Many of the commonly used culinary herbs and spices are filled with anti-oxidants that can protect your cells and your DNA from damage. Watch…

Nine Ways Acupuncture Benefits Cancer Patients

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing with modern applications. Many leading edge cancer centers today include acupuncture therapy for cancer patients. For the cancer patient or cancer survivor/thriver, research supports the use of acupuncture for managing the side effects of cancer treatment and improving quality of life.

Breast Cancer Linked to Parabens in Cosmetics

Parabens are chemical preservatives found in almost ALL cosmetics and body care products. . A comprehensive study of women with breast cancer in the Journal of Applied Technology found parabens in 100% of all breast tissue samples from cancerous breasts. This evidence clearly links these chemicals to women’s cancers.

Cancer Fatigue Relief | Herbal Medicine to the Rescue


Decrease Cancer Fatigue, take control of inflammation, , lower your cancer risk and improve the quality of your health by using healing plants that Nature has provided. Herbal Medicines are able to “talk to our cells” and turn our genes on and off. Research shows that many plant constituents lower TNFa and IL6 thus reducing symptoms of cancer related fatigue and chemo brain.