Mediterranean Diet is a Heart Healthy Anti-Cancer Diet

Can Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer Risk Be Reduced By Choosing Anti-Cancer Mediterranean Foods? Research suggests that food choices do make a difference and may lower cancer risk. The Super Healthy Mediterranean Diet is filled with cancer fighting foods. It is primarily a plant based high fiber diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fermented foods and healthy fats and oils from olives and nuts such as almonds and walnuts, It is high in antioxidants from a wide variety of colorful fresh fruits and vegetables, including the longevity promoting phytochemical resveratrol found in red and purple grapes and red wine.

Calculate Your Risk of Breast Cancer with this iphone app

Women need to know their risk of Breast Cancer. If you know your risk you can take action and engage in Breast Cancer Prevention. You can address lifestyle changes. You can prevent cancer and cultivate health. You can learn about alternative cancer resources that focus on health and not disease.

Is Soy Safe? Breast Cancer and Menopause

The use of soy phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) for breast cancer survivors and menopausal women have been widely misunderstood. The controversy has stemmed both from lack of good research and the fact that a food component, isoflavones,  has…