Breast Cancer: Why Are So Many Women At Risk? Part 2

Why does a woman with no family history of breast cancer and no obvious risk factors for breast cancer succumb to the disease? What happened to her? Today 1 in 8 women in the US is diagnosed with breast cancer. Will you be one of them? The development of cancer is complex. Many factors contribute to the “perfect storm” of conditions that lead to the presence of cancer cells and your body’s inability to stop them from growing. Discovering all the factors that contribute to the development of cancer in any one individual is not simple. It is complex. And it is usually not exactly the same set of factors for each and every person. Learning more about the toxins in your environment and learning more about your genetics can help you to take steps to stay cancer free. There are two primary contributors to the development of cancer: the combination and interaction of your environment and your genetics.

Stop Cancer| Eat A High Protein Low Carb Diet

I have cancer, what should I eat? There are many factors that go into an anti-cancer diet. According to recent research “a change in diet can have an impact on cancer risk” demonstrating that a diet higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Breast Cancer:Why Are So Many Women at Risk? Part 1

Every woman wants to know what she can do to lower her risk of breast cancer. Towards that end has published a fantastic free ebook, THINK PINK, LIVE GREEN: Protect Your Breast Health which is one of the best resources I have found.

Cancer Fighting Anti-Oxidants found in 3 Potent Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbal Medicines are some of the richest sources of cell protective anti-oxidants found in Chinese Plant Medicines, especially in medicinal fruits and berries. Here are three of the most potent anti-oxidant packed medicinal fruits with potential anti-cancer and cell protective activity.

Cancer Fighting Foods: What Colors Are on Your Plate?

Carotenoids, natural antioxidants and immune modulators, contribute to protecting our cells from the damage that is part of the physiology of both aging and cancer. Choose the most deeply and richly colored foods to get a good dose of cancer protection from carotenoids every day. A diet low in carotenoids over the long term has been associated with higher risk for some cancers.

Cancer is A Preventable Disease

40% of cancers could be prevented if people stopped smoking and overeating, limited their alcohol, exercised regularly and reduced exposures to toxic chemicals over the course of their lives.

Can losing weight prevent you from getting cancer?

Can losing weight prevent you from getting cancer? There are many reasons why being overweight is bad for our health, but most people don’t realize that cancer is one of them. Of course, excess body weight can contribute to serious medical conditions such as heart disease and type II diabetes, but new research shows that the habits that lead to excess body fat might also increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.