Advanced Cancer Strategies Symposium 2012

In search of “health” oriented care, cancer patients commonly use Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) along with their conventional cancer treatments. Many of the experts and leaders in the field of Integrative Cancer Care will be gathering in April near New York City to attend the Advances in Cancer Strategies Symposium. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Bernie Siegel MD. well known for his leading edge thinking and his book Love, Medicine and Miracles.

How to Create an Integrative Cancer Care Plan

12 Steps that will give you a sense of control and participation in your own cancer journey. Be a cancer survivor and thriver. BE PROACTIVE, BUILD A TEAM, Tend to the WHOLE PERSON, Tend to your LIFE. Know that any complex challenge requires a diverse team for a comprehensive and intelligent approach and the very best outcomes and quality of life. Survive and Thrive.

Over the Counter Drugs and Herbs May Reduce Spread of Cancer | New Study

A new study reveals that the spread of cancer may be reduced with common over the counter drugs. There are also natural botanical herbal medicines with similar properties. Here are eight medicinal herbs that contain active constituents that have been shown to lower an array of inflammatory molecules and support normal inflammation function.

Nine Ways Acupuncture Benefits Cancer Patients

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing with modern applications. Many leading edge cancer centers today include acupuncture therapy for cancer patients. For the cancer patient or cancer survivor/thriver, research supports the use of acupuncture for managing the side effects of cancer treatment and improving quality of life.

Breast Cancer Treatment Damages Your Brain

“Chemo Brain is not “all in your mind” It’s real. New Research confirms that the brain is permanently damaged by chemotherapy. Nutrients that offer protection to the delicate nerve cells in the brain include Omega 3 fatty acids, Acetyl-L Carnitine, CoQ10, Phosphatidyl Serine, Phosphatidyl Choline and the botanicals Gingko biloba, Bacopa and Gotu Kola.

B Vitamin May Be of Value in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer

Women who are positive for the BRCA1 gene are known to have poor DNA repair. These women may benefit from PARP inhibitors. BRCA1 is associated with aggressive and often lethal breast cancer as well as colon cancer.

Niacinamide, a B Vitamin, may help breast cancer and ovarian cancer patients. Recently another gene associated with poor DNA repair has been identified. This gene, RAD51D, is associated with increased risk for ovarian cancer. PARP Inhibitor drugs as well as Niacinamide may also be of value to these women.