Recipe: Tuscan White Bean and Vegetable Soup

Here is a hearty healthy soup filled with cancer fighting cell protective plant chemicals including lycopene from tomatoes, apigenin from celery, potassium from swiss chard and rich vegetable broth, carotenoids from carrots, phytophenol carnosol from…

Recipe: Blueberry Lemon Thyme Sorbet

Blueberries provide super antioxidant cell protection due the presence of pterostilbene and anthocyanadins. The addition of thyme containing the terpenoids rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid the support normal anti-inflammatory function. Blueberries not only have cancer-fighting but also memory supportive properties.

Recipe: Mango Avocado Arugula Salad

This is a tasty colorful salad made from ingredients containing a variety of plant antioxidants. There is a traditional saying in India “A Mango A Day Can Keep Cancer Away”. In modern times we know that mangos contain not only super antioxidant carotenoids, but also lupeol, a phytochemical that induces a process called apoptosis a process which turns on a self destruct switch in all cells, including cancer cells.

Recipe: Cilantro Guacamole with Pomegranate Seeds

I cannot imagine life without avocados. I grew up with 3 avocado trees in our backyard. Guacamole is made from avocados, one of the most nourishing cancer fighting foods along with the surprise of color and anti-oxidant filled pomegranate seeds.

Recipe: Hot & Sour Shitake Super Immunity Soup

vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free Delicious Shiitake Mushrooms combined with the garlic, ginger, onions, and chili peppers all contribute immunity-boosting, infection and cancer fighting properties. This just might replace gramma’s chicken soup cure!!…

Recipe: Grated Carrot Apple Salad with Cranberries

A crunchy colorful alternative to cole slaw and a great way to eat more salad. This colorful easy to prepare fiber rich mix is filled with cell protective cancer fighting antioxidants and bioflavonoids including quercitin, carotenoids, epicatechins, potassium and Vitamin C.

Recipe: Chipotle Lime Roasted Chicken Breasts

Chipotle Lime Roasted Chicken Breasts | gluten free, dairy free, low glycemic. A great source of protein, easy to prepare and full of flavor. Garnished with cilantro and green onions. Serve with green salad and baked yams.

Recipe: Poached Wild Salmon with Tomatoes and Scallions

This is a simple recipe providing many heart healthy and anti-cancer nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids from wild caught salmon, healthy monounsaturated fats and the plant phenol oleuropein from olive oil along with antioxidant phytochemical flavonoids including lyocpene from tomatoes and quercitin from green onions. The olive oil, tomatoes and onions also provide carotene, vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, potassium and organic sulfur compounds.

Recipe: Asian Napa Cabbage Coleslaw with Miso Dressing

This is a salad that can be served all year long. Cabbage family vegetables, including Asian Napa cabbage, are rich in anti-cancer phytochemicals called sulphoraphanes. The fresh miso provides a source of friendly healthy bacteria which are important to normal intestinal function and normal hormone metabolism. All vegetable dishes are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Including fermented foods in the diet (such as miso, fermented soybean paste) also contributes to lower rates of obesity and less body fat.