Coming Home to Your Own Sensual and Sexual Self After Cancer

Free Teleseminar Dr. Nalini Chilkov and Dr. Anna Cabeca Frank talk about the real changes to your body, self image and feelings about your sexuality. Learn regenerative and restorative ways to tenderly and gently rekindle and nourish sexuality and libido affected by the cancer journey.

Advanced Cancer Strategies Symposium 2012

In search of “health” oriented care, cancer patients commonly use Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) along with their conventional cancer treatments. Many of the experts and leaders in the field of Integrative Cancer Care will be gathering in April near New York City to attend the Advances in Cancer Strategies Symposium. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Bernie Siegel MD. well known for his leading edge thinking and his book Love, Medicine and Miracles.

How to Create an Integrative Cancer Care Plan

12 Steps that will give you a sense of control and participation in your own cancer journey. Be a cancer survivor and thriver. BE PROACTIVE, BUILD A TEAM, Tend to the WHOLE PERSON, Tend to your LIFE. Know that any complex challenge requires a diverse team for a comprehensive and intelligent approach and the very best outcomes and quality of life. Survive and Thrive.

Women & Cancer | How to Save Your Own Life | TUE 2/21 LISTEN LIVE

Hay House Radio presents Dr. Nalini Chilkov interviewed by Marcelle Pick RNP

LISTEN LIVE for special offers and ENTER TO WIN a free consultation with Dr. Chilkov

An alarming number of women are diagnosed with cancer everyday. Cancer is actually a preventable disease. Whether you are interested in preventing cancer, struggling with cancer treatment or are a survivor fearing a recurrence you can take simple steps to transform your immune system. Turn on your cancer fighting genes and natural killer cells. Create a cancer resistant body using safe natural foods, herbs and supplements.

Nine Ways Acupuncture Benefits Cancer Patients

Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing with modern applications. Many leading edge cancer centers today include acupuncture therapy for cancer patients. For the cancer patient or cancer survivor/thriver, research supports the use of acupuncture for managing the side effects of cancer treatment and improving quality of life.

Meditation for Cancer Patients (and the rest of us)

Stress of all types damages our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to infections and cancer. By resting in tranquility and equipose, even for five or ten minutes, we begin to repattern our nervous system and our stress response. In doing so our Natural Killer cells, the cells in our immune system that fight cancer and infections increase.

Cancer, Healing and Revelation

Three weeks ago one of my dearest and most cherished lifelong friends was diagnosed with advanced and terminal cancer, given at most six months to live. Her oncologist, with whom I have shared patients for over 30 years, called me to say, Nalini, I have nothing to offer her. Please start to look around in your alternative and integrative cancer network for something outside the box.